L.A.N.A.P. Treatment

Periodontist in St. Louis, Missouri

Presurgical Instructions

Please arrive at the office at least 20 minutes prior to your surgical appointment to make any final arrangements prior to the procedure.

Please don’t apply makeup and lipstick around the mouth. If a cleaning is due, it is ideal to have it done within a week prior to the procedure and brush your teeth immediately prior to the appointment is advised.

Take your medications as advised. If taking blood thinners, some aspirins, or fish oil prescriptions, we will contact your Prescribing Doctor for their recommendation on modification. We will inform you of their recommendations before surgery. If you have any questions about your prescriptions, please contact us.

If advised, begin taking pain reliever about 24 hours in advance (600-800mg of Ibuprofen or 1000 mg of Tylenol typically for an adult and 200-400mg of Ibuprofen for a child; this was discussed in your pre-surgical appointment).

L.A.N.A.P. (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure) Treatment

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The over-the-counter ibuprofen comes in 200mg tablets and over the counter Extra Strength Tylenol comes in 500mg tablets, so please take the appropriate number as listed above for them to be effective.

To avoid post-surgical infections, begin taking the prescribed antibiotics that were called in prior to the surgery, the morning of the procedure and continue until they are completed.

If you are having iv sedation, please take the ibuprofen and antibiotic right after the surgery.

No alcohol 24 hours prior to procedure.

Periodontal Post-Surgical Instructions

1. Do not be alarmed by any color changes or appearance of gum tissue following laser therapy. Gum tissue can turn gray, yellow, red, blue, purple, and “stringy” and reflects a normal response to laser treatments.

2. Do not apply excessive tongue or check pressure to the treated area.

3. Do not be alarmed if one of the following occurs:

– Light bleeding

– Slight swelling

– Some soreness, tenderness, or tooth sensitivity

4. Swelling may possibly occur. To keep this at a minimum, gently place an ice pack on the outside of the face for 15-20 minutes per hour until you retire for sleep that night. Do not continue using the ice beyond 48 hours following the periodontal surgery. After 48 hours, heat can be used for swelling management.

5. Some oozing of blood may occur and will appear to be greatly exaggerated when it dissolves in saliva.

6. Please call the office at 314-842-6151 so that we may render further treatment if any of the following occurs:

– Prolonged or severe pain

– Excessive bleeding

– Significant progressive swelling

– Considerably elevated fever or body temperature

7. If medication has been prescribed, please take exactly as directed. Antibiotic pills are prescribed. The entire bottle or prescription should be taken for the stated number of days or weeks. If you are prescribed Motrin -Generic Ibuprofen- (e.g. Advil, Motrin), we would prefer you to take it for at least the first 3 days. Ibuprofen is good to reduce post-operative pain, swelling and sensitivity. Never place aspirin directly on the tissue of a painful issue.

8. Reduce physical activity for 24 hours following the surgery to maximize healing.

9. Try to keep your mouth as clean as possible in order to help the healing process. Only brush and floss the untreated area of your mouth. Do not brush or floss the treated area until directed by your doctor.

10. Do not spit or rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours. After that, you may rinse your mouth GENTLY 3 times a day with Peridex/Perioguard/Closys® and in between, rinse your mouth gently 3 times a day with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in an 8 oz. glass of warm water for the first 2 days of rinsing). For the next several days rinse with both Peridex/Perioguard/Closys® and salt water as previously mentioned, but with vigor.

11. You will be on a liquid diet for 3 days. Then a diet of “mushy”/soft foods for 4 days thereafter, and then a diet of smart food choices for the remainder of the month. It is very important to maintain a good food and fluid intake. Try to eat soft, but nutritious food such as eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, malts, ice cream, etc., until you can comfortably return to a normal diet. Please refer to the post LANAP treatment diet instructions (later in this handout).

12. Avoid spicy or excessively hot foods during the initial 3-day liquid diet period.

13. When eating, do not chew on the side of your mouth which has been treated for at least a week, or longer, as advised by your doctor.

14. Do not be alarmed that beginning with just 2 weeks after treatment the teeth may become loose, sore and tender as the bone and ligaments around the teeth regenerate and become firmer. This is a sign of healing.

15. “Spaces” between your teeth can result from reduction of inflammation, swelling, and the removal of diseased tissue after the LANAP treatment. These spaces may fill in over time. Bite adjustments are critical to making sure the teeth and the “papilla” are not traumatized and can regrow.

16. After you complete the initial 12 months of follow up care, periodontal maintenance visits are extremely important to preserve the work that has been done.

Post LANAP Treatment Diet Instructions

● The first three days following laser therapy, follow only a liquid-like diet to allow healing. Anything that could be put into a blender to drink is ideal. The purpose of this is to protect the clot that is acting as a “band-aid” between the gums and teeth. Do not drink through a straw for 2 days, as this creates a vacuum in your mouth that can disturb the “band-aid”. Take daily multi-vitamins.

● Next four days after treatment, foods with a “mushy” consistency such as those listed on the page are recommended*

● Starting 7-10 days after treatment, soft foods may be allowable. The time to start on soft foods is depended upon the loss of the white material that appeared around your teeth following LANAP treatment.

● Soft foods have the consistency of pasta, fish, chicken, or steamed vegetables. You may then, gradually add back your regular diet.

● Please remember that even after 10 days, healing is not complete. The first month following treatment you should continue to make smart food choices. Softer foods are better.

“Mushy” Diet Suggestions

● Anything put through a blender.

● Cream of wheat, oatmeal, malt-o-meal.

● Mashed avocados, applesauce.

● Mashed potatoes, or baked potatoes – okay with butter/sour cream.

● Mashed banana or any mashed/blended fruit, except berries with seeds.

● Broth or creamed soup.

● Mashed steamed vegetables.

● Mashed yams, baked sweet potato, or butternut squash.

● Cottage cheese, cream or soft cheese.

● Creamy peanut butter, without solid pieces.

● Eggs any style, with or without melted cheese.

● Omelets can have cheese and avocado.

● Jell-O, pudding, ice cream, yogurt.

● Milkshakes/ smoothies- DO NOT blend with berries containing seeds.

● Ensure, Slim Fast natural drinks.


Chew gum, candy, cookies, chips, nuts, anything hard or crunchy, anything that has seeds or hard pieces, meat that is shredded can lodge under the gum and between teeth, raw vegetables/salad.

Smokers/Tobacco Users Warning

Chew gum, candy, cookies, chips, nuts, anything hard or crunchy, anything that has seeds or hard pieces, meat that is shredded can lodge under the gum and between teeth, raw vegetables/salad.

Post LANAP Oral Hygiene Instructions

No brushing until the scab is gone (Your Periodontist will let you know when you are able to do this). This typically is initiated 10-14 days after surgery.

After the scab is gone, a roll brush technique will be done using a manual toothbrush only (Brush from gum to the tooth)! Brush the teeth by placing the bristles of the brush on the gums below the teeth and carefully rolling the bristles towards to teeth.

Flossing ABOVE the gum line starts 3 weeks after the procedure(s) have been completed. At your 6-week cleaning appointment visit we will instruct you how to resume appropriate brushing and flossing techniques that you will use from then on.

Commonly prescribed/recommended medications for this procedure:

__ Ibuprofen (ie. Motrin, Advil): This is usually over the counter. (if can be taken, 600-800mg for adult and 200-400 for a child, every 6-8 hours for at least 4-5 days after the surgery.) This is an over-the-counter medication. It is used to control mild to moderate pain. The medication also has an anti-inflammatory result at surgical sites. It works best when taken before surgery followed by consistent dosing times afterwards. The major side effect of Motrin is an upset stomach. To avoid this issue, take ibuprofen gel caplets with meals, milk, or 2 full glasses of water to lessen this complication. If you are prone to stomach ulcers, take this medication cautiously and discontinue if you have any stomach pain, nausea, or vomiting. Do not take ibuprofen if you have had any allergic type of reactions (itching, swelling, rash, difficulty breathing, etc.). Ibuprofen has been reported to make some people drowsy (1 in 100)

___ Amoxicillin: This is a common antibiotic that is prescribed for bone grafting or implant procedures. Please take the prescription 3 times a day until gone. Amoxicillin may upset your stomach. To decrease this side effect, take the medication with a full glass of water after eating. Esophageal irritation and ulceration have been reported if Amoxicillin is not taken with adequate amounts of water. in addition to other antibiotics, may decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. An alternative form of birth control is recommended while taking the antibiotic and throughout the complete mensural cycle. If you begin developing a rash or itchiness, discontinue its use and immediately give us a call

___ Clindamycin: This is a common antibiotic that is prescribed for bone grafting or implant procedures. Please take the prescription 4 times a day until gone. Clindamycin may upset your stomach. To decrease this side effect, take the medication with a full glass of water after eating. Esophageal irritation and ulceration have been reported if Clindamycin is not taken with adequate amounts of water. If blood in stools begins to occur, immediately stop and give us a call. In addition to other antibiotics, may decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. An alternative form of birth control is recommended while taking the antibiotic and throughout the complete mensural cycle. If you begin developing a rash or itchiness, discontinue its use and immediately give us a call.

___ Doxycycline: This is an antibiotic often prescribed after a bone grafting or implant procedure. This medication can concentrate the fluid around the teeth and is effective against the bacteria in these areas. Doxycycline may upset your stomach. To decrease this side effect, take the medication with a full glass of water after eating. Avoid taking Doxycycline with dairy products and for at least 2 hours afterwards. Esophageal irritation and ulceration have been reported if Doxycycline is not taken with adequate amounts of water. Sensitivity to sunlight or ultraviolet light has been observed in some patients, which can result in a sever sunburn type response. If you are pregnant, you should not take doxycycline or other tetracyclines because it may cause tooth discoloration. Doxycycline, in addition to other antibiotics, may decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. An alternative form of birth control is recommended while taking Doxycycline and throughout the complete mensural cycle. If you begin developing a rash or itchiness, discontinue its use and immediately give us a call.

___ Tylenol (Acetaminophen): (Can be taken 325mg-650mg every 4-6 hours) This is an over-the-counter pain reliever that can be taken while breast-feeding. It is contraindicated to those that are allergic to acetaminophen, or those who have a known G-6PD deficiency.

___ Closys®: This is a post-surgical rinse that is initiated 24 hours after surgery. Gently rinse for at least 30 seconds with ½ oz (2 full caps), then spit it out. It should be used 2-3 times a day. This is a non-staining, killing 99.9% germs in the external part of the surgical site. The rinse is used specifically for the surgical site, generally until all the sutures are removed. Brushing and flossing should occur throughout the rest of the mouth.

___ Peridex (chlorohexidine Gluconate): This is a mouthwash used to kill the bacteria in the surgical area. Take ½ oz. of mouth rinse, swish for a full 30 seconds, or swab the teeth with a Q-tip in the area, 2 times a day, no eating or drinking for 30 minutes afterwards. If instructed, begin this medication 24 hours after the surgery is completed and continue for at least 3 weeks or longer, even if brushing and flossing has been implemented again. Staining of the teeth can occur, which can be polished off. Avoiding tannin containing food products during its use will reduce staining tendencies (i.e., red wine, tea, coffee)

Office (314)842-6151

Dr. Scott Schlueter (636)492-1756

Dr. Trinity Boszko (314)221-6832

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