Dr. Schlueter and Dr. Boszko specialize in the sophisticated procedure required to provide successful and gentle gum graft surgery. When patients come to Schlueter Periodontics and Implants for a consultation, we help them discover the most appropriate treatment for their unique condition.
Why Would a Patient Need a Gum Tissue Graft?
When a recession of the gums “or gingiva” occurs, the body loses a natural defense against both bacterial penetration and trauma. When gum recession is a problem, gum graft surgery is an option.
When there is only a minor recession of the gums, some healthy gingiva often remains and protects the tooth, so improving your home oral health care may be all that is necessary. Sometimes, when recession reaches the mucosa (movable non-pink tissue), the first line of defense against bacterial penetration is lost. Gum recession often results in root sensitivity to hot and cold foods and can eventually lead to deeper issues like root cavities, root gouging, and loss of the tooth.
When Gum Grafting is Needed
Receded Gums – Part 1
Receded Gums – Part 2